jueves, 3 de enero de 2013

Fair Health Promotion in Abangares

On 9 November in Boards held Abangares fair health promotion Health promotion term was initiated by Dr. Henry Sinergist of Swiss origin which means the prevention of diseases in people without resorting to hospital.
In the event that is organized by the network of health promotion are different institutions including most notably the AyA (Water and Sewer), ICE (Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad), UNCADA (Union Cantonal Abangares Development Associations) , the security forces, the Municipality of Abangares among others. Dr. Ricardo Diaz Canija headmistress of area Abangares Ministry of Health, told me what the show is looking to break the belief that health is limited only to medical care, extensive me with comments which are expectations conducting these fairs: protect people expect their health practices and doing activities that help the body maintain good performance, which involves a variety: healthy eating, physical activity, culture, art, education, safety and sexuality. All these practices and activities help protect health and reduce spending on medical services: surgeries, treatments, hospitalizations, medications, etc..
They began talking about health promotion, to form the Red Cantonal Health Promotion, this fair was born there.
He also told me from an environmental standpoint: the healthy environment of conditions to protect the health of the people, then the state tends to make decisions by passing laws that seek to regulate environmental conditions hazardous to people's health eg 9028 law better known as the general law snuff control ensures that all public and private spaces should be free of smoke snuff.
Also comments on the law mean 8839 law known as general waste management, promotes recovery of waste to landfills utility generating large fines for people who have waste incorrectly.
The law 9047 law regulating alcoholic beverages containing liquor consumption limits on public roads, near schools, churches and penalizes the sale of liquor and snuff to minors. As we shall see, these laws protect the environment of the cantons.
The network of health promotion, considered important to conduct the annual fair health promotion generating the habit to go to the usual custom of culture to preserve individual and collective health

Fabricio Alfredo Obando Chang
Director of Journalism Active Costa Rica

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